Censorship: No
Language: English
Size: 2.7 GB [Win/Mac/Android]
To be God is to be mad.
~ Aharon
added: Lexi 17th event
added: Mina 20th event
added: exploration event – Truck (Industrial District), 4 variants
added: new enemy – Wicked One
added: Wicked One to random combat encounters
added: new status effect – Sanity Rending
added: new conversation topic to Lexi (after her 17th event)
added: 8 replays
changed: frequency of some Industrial Area exploration events
fixed: bad replay image for event What Happened?
# 0.3.1a #
added: full Polish translation (no polish symbols, will be fixed in the next patch)
added: auto-save every night
added: auto-saves not used by the game (aside from 1st slot) will be removed on game start (to remove old broken autosaves)
fixed: Giant stage 3 gave strength instead of empower
fixed: error when using auto-trade button when remaining value was < 1.0 or is other rare cases
fixed: destroy using 2 card XP instead of 1 by default
fixed: ? mark being on the spirituality icon despite tooltip being removed long ago
fixed: one conditional line of dialogue in Mina's 6th event couldn't be triggered
fixed: one conditional line of dialogue in Lexi's 6th event couldn't be triggered
fixed: Exception: Not a displayable: None - might've been caused by mods
fixed: possible translation error with "tired" status effect
fixed: Wardrobe --- Outfits --- not being translatable
fixed: buffs translations not showing up (buff description still doesn't work, wip)
fixed: "Deck" not being translatable - uses a language used when starting new game
fixed: 'nightmare' buff translation wouldn't change without restart - it should
fixed: Little Fox name not being translated in her tab
# 0.3.1b #
added: full translations:
○ Vietnamese
○ French
○ Spanish
○ Chinese
added: 61 card levels:
○ Crush
○ Devour (5 levels)
○ Stab
○ Defend
○ Guard
○ Retaliate
○ Dodge (2 levels)
○ Shot (2 levels)
○ Spit Poison (2 levels)
○ Fire Breath (2 levels)
○ Fireball
○ Blacksmith (4 levels)
○ Kick
○ Antidote (2 levels)
○ Thor's Fury (2 levels)
○ Buttstroke
○ Aharon
○ Cease Fire Treaty (2 levels)
○ Ritual (2 levels)
○ Seduce
○ Insatiable Hunger (2 levels)
○ Mutate (2 levels)
○ The World
○ The Tower
○ The Magician
○ The Lovers
○ The High Priestess
○ The Hierophant
○ The Hermit
○ The Hanged Man
○ The Fool
○ The Empress
○ The Devil
○ The Chariot
○ Temperance
○ Strength
○ Justice
○ Judgement
○ Death
○ The Emperor
○ The Star
○ The Moon
○ The Sun
○ Wheel of Fortune
added: 12 card variants:
○ Insanity - 3rd stage
○ Hide in the Shadows - 3rd stage
○ Fury - 3rd stage
○ Faceless - 3rd stage
○ Enfeeble - 3rd stage
○ Empower - 2nd stage
○ Dragon Roar - 3rd stage
○ Despair - 3rd stage (3 variants)
○ Makeshift Ammo - 3rd stage (2 variants)
added: item descriptions to all items that didn't have them
added: color to item names in other item descriptions
added: language's auto-detection
changed: most item descriptions
changed: buffed Blood Mushroom damage
changed: buffed Meat Mushroom damage slightly
changed: Aharon type to offensive
fixed: not implemented card Trickster was present in game's deck
fixed: some codex entries couldn't be translated
fixed: Beginner Guide couldn't be translated
fixed: possible save load error because of card removed - when reloading
fixed: buff description translations not showing up
fixed: items translations not showing up
fixed: Deck translation being saved in initial language, and not changing after
fixed: bad placed replay image for Maric first meeting
fixed: bad placed replay image for Jill first meeting
fixed: bad placed replay image for Amber first meeting
fixed: bad placed replay image for Adam first meeting
fixed: no Polish symbols
fixed: no Chinese symbols for most of the game
fixed: translation could change game's name in main menu
fixed: unused translations slowing down game launch (only used language will be loaded)
# 0.3.1c #
added: full translations:
○ Chinese (Traditional)
○ Portuguese (Brazilian)
○ Italian
○ German
added: pages to what's new
added: what's new for 0.3.1
added: Kiara's dream Astral Lust to her replays
added: nightmares now end in a more appropriate way
added: single click in inventory on mobile devices allows to use item
added: 4th, 5th decks can be built
added: long press on item on mobile devices now opens a menu allowing to check item description and use it:
○ Vault
○ Inventory
○ Trade
○ Rituals
added: single click allows to move many items at once through slider on mobile devices:
○ Vault
○ Trade
changed: language selection to dropdown-list with language names
changed: stronger enemies increase rare card drop chance
changed: made both summoning cards exhaustible
changed: Flock of Birds 2nd stage now allows a second copy in a deck
changed: made tooltip for effects and buffs bigger on mobile port
changed: tooltip on mobile will now show to the right side if possible
fixed: combat tutorial being completely broken
fixed: Chinese language not showing up without having show in-progress languages enabled
fixed: fonts mismatch after changing language multiple times
fixed: AttributeError on autosave if there was no dream
fixed: errors in scenes that changed fonts to mad and evil
fixed: map images' frame off placement
fixed: what's new text off bounds
removed: show in-progress languages setting